XXX Christmas Greetings XXX
to You All !

For Me , Christmas is
that Special time of the
Year , when Loved Ones get
together and celebrate
the Uplifting energies
of Love , Peace ,
Joy , Kindness ,
Harmony and Gratitude .

A time that reminds Us of the
Magic within Us All ...
and of the miracles
We have the power to create ...
a time to remember
Those in need , and be encouraged
to Love and Uplift Them ...
guiding Each Other
towards a Lighter way of Life .

Christmas teaches Us
that if We allow Ourselves
to feel , act , and be
Loving , Kind and Generous
for this time ,
then We can be so
of the Year !

As Dear Louise Hay affirms ...
" It's just a thought pattern
that can be changed ! "

Sadly , Christmas has become
a commercial and stressful
time for most People .
There are even some Folk
who feel extremely negative
about this Magical Time
of Year !
Many are made to feel guilty
for not being able to
live up to another's expectations
and Gifts have become
competitive instead
of Heart thought Presents
of Love and Gratitude !
Family gatherings have become
a duty , and an excuse
to just eat and drink too much !
Has the true essense of Joy
gone out of Christmas ?

Not at all !
There are many Jolly Folk
who share the Magic
of Christmas ...
reminding You that
You are Special ....
Allow the Angels to guide
You to uplifting gatherings ...
get together with Family
and forgive all past fears
and insecurities ,
( such a waste of happy moments )
remind Each Other
how much You do Love and
Care for Each Other ...
for We have All chosen One
Another , as a Family ,
to go through this lifetime
together with ,
Loving and "being there "
for Each Other , no matter what !

It's just " bad brainwashing "
that has tried to mess
up Christmastime ...
and We can turn it all around !

Look forward to making
decorations for the Home and
 to put on the Tree ...
have fun hiding behind closed
doors , creating Special Gifts
for Each Other ...
enjoy relaxing next to the fire ,
singing Christmas songs
together , while sharing
delicious treats and
home made ginger bread
or fruit delights .
Have the Children dress up
and make up happy plays ,
and tell Christmas stories to
inspire and uplift Each Other ...
enjoy baking yummy fruit pies
and buttery biscuits together ,
and just enjoy this time out
filled with Love and Laughter !

Christmas is here to remind Us
that We are All Special
and Truly Loved ...
and deserve to live each
day filled with all the uplifting
and inspirational things
We wish for ,
 that are for Our Highest Good !

May Your Christmastime
be  the best time ever !
Keep on Shining
and having Fun !
Love and Peace ,
Minky and Everyone on
" The Continent of Sulina "